Wednesday, May 04, 2005

It Is Finished! Or Did It Just Begin?

Hello out there to all my faithful readers. Yes, I know that I have taken almost an entire forever to write on this thing again, but when finals week is coming up and about three papers still left to write, things become hectic.

Luckily it's all finished. Having just completed my final final of the semester I am torn as to whether I should sleep (a verb I haven't accomplished in over two days), eat (a verb I simply love to do), or celebrate (a verb that begs to be acted upon after this grueling semester). This grueling semester is indeed my topic of the moment.

For those who are unaware, Hebrew is beyond the shadow of a doubt the thorn in my side. Yeah, yeah, I'm told Greek is worse - how that is I'm not all too sure - but for here and now Hebrew is the academic death of me. The Hebrew 2 final exam was yesterday. If you remember last semester, I studied for my Hebrew 1 final for over 14 hours...and failed! So here I am studying hard for Hebrew 2, and I am so worked up about this exam I cannot sleep. Futhermore, I am so worked up about this exam I get woozy and can't stop shaking. That's right, boys and girls, I had a panic attack! I never had one before, especially over a test no less. I was about to give up all hope. Then I checked my mail box. I'm terrible with checking my mail on a regular basis. So terrible in fact that I did not check it for almost a whole week. I only had one card. It was from Miss Arlene.

Miss Arlene knew me when I was still little. She's been attending my church just about as long as I have. When I left for seminary, she told me she'd write me. Without fail I get a card or letter from her every month giving me words of encouragement, chronicling events I've missed back home, and informing me about the weather in Florida. I love her cards and letters. To this day I haven't thrown one of them away. They're all together in my desk. Her card put things into perspective.

Dude, I was freaking out over one exam. Let's assume I totally fail the exam. Does God love me less? No. Am I complete failure in life as the result of one exam grade? No. Will I be exiled from Southwestern? Well, all I can say that it wouldn't be on the account of the exam ;)

To make this meandering maze of a post come to some coherent close I leave you with this: Don't get too worked up over petty things like exams. As the phrase goes, "No worries." Smile, laugh, work hard, and, by all means, don't forget to breathe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting that. It is really encouraging to me as I am up studying for my Spanish final. I always forget that in the big scheme of things, grades don't matter and God is not going to love me any less for failing (or getting a D)
You rock... Thanks

2:29 AM  

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