Thursday, September 18, 2008

Acts Of Comedy

It has been a while since I posted anything and for that I certainly apologize. Many things have happened since I last posted. I have a girlfriend now. Her name is Esther. We've been dating for about six months now (new record for me). I've been with Holiday Hill Baptist Church for nine months now and have simply enjoyed it. Quite a few friends have been engaged, married, and/or having kids…of course, adding no pressure on me =P

Yes, things have certainly been changing.

Since March I have been leading a college Bible study on Tuesday nights. We started by searching scripture and discovering what it means to be a part of a Christian community. We continued in that spirit and started doing a study through the book of Acts. I did a Bible study through Acts once before, previously with a men's Bible study group in Texas. What I learned then is what I'm being reminded of now – the book of Acts has a TON of humor that gets overlooked!

Remember that when reading a narrative like Acts we are not dealing with just some fairytale stories created by the whim of an artist. We're dealing with real accounts of real people doing real things. The apostles were regular people. Regular people can be funny. The apostles were funny. Don't believe me? How many mission trips did you ever go on that didn't have some kind of funny story to tell? Reread some stories in the book of Acts.

Acts 1: We are told the story of Christ's ascension and how the disciples, after Christ has already left, are still standing there looking up at the sky. Two angels show up and ask them, "Why do you stand here looking into the sky?" The angels knew full well why they're staring into the sky. The angels used sarcasm. I just wonder how long the angels stood there watching them before they said something.

Acts 12: King Herod arrests Peter with the intention of having Peter put on trial and put to death. An angel appears, frees Peter, and leads Peter out of the prison undetected by the guards. What I find interesting is verse 7 where the angel hits him on the side. Why hit him? It isn't like he did anything wrong. Why not touch his shoulder? Why not shake him a little? Why not just call out his name? Why did the angel tell Peter to be quick when it's obvious there was powers being used that forbid the guards from ever seeing them? Part of me thinks the hit on the side didn't happen until multiple tries to wake him up failed. Think about it. If you have ever had to deal with a heavy sleeper drastic measures (yelling in their ear, using a bullhorn, pouring cold water on them…not that I ever did any of those) usually aren't executed until multiple failed tries.

Acts 16: Starting in verse 16 the pronoun "we" is used with respect to Paul and Silas's travels. It is believed that Luke, a close associate of Paul, wrote the book of Acts and traveled with Paul from time to time. Apparently the beginning of this story is one of those times. Luke was with Paul and Silas; however, when Paul casts an evil spirit out of a slave girl who was making her owners lots of money, it is ONLY Paul and Silas who are thrown in prison. Silas didn't do any demon casting out. Silas was guilty by association. So what happened to Luke?! He was with them. Did he run and get away or did he deny that he ever knew those guys? Did Luke actually ditch his friends? It gets overlooked, but something tells me there's more to this story than Luke wants to let on.

Again, the book of Acts is stories about real people. Those are just a few things I found to be a little funny. Is it wrong to think God has a sense of humor? I sure hope not. What are some things in the Bible that strike you as funny? Is there a story everyone reads but takes for granted and as a result something comical gets overlooked?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Simply Heaven!

I don’t know about you, but I have bad days. For those of you that never have bad days, just stop reading now as this will not apply to you.

Maybe your bad days are like mine. Usually my bad days are the result of expectations not met. Sometimes I put my faith and trust in a friend or loved one and I am let down. I think something is going to happen or wish something to manifest, and I’m left abandoned, disappointed, or frustrated. Some days my expectation is for something to go right as everything so far just has gone horribly wrong. The end result – a bad day.

Perhaps my problem is that my expectations are based on someone or something fallible. Friends and relatives, regardless of sincerity, will let us down at one point or another. Objects, whether it be cars or computers or coffee cup lids, break and fail from time to time. All of these things, to some extent, leave us stranded, forsaken, hurt, or upset.

Something that has helped me through recent bad days is the hope that the bad days are not eternal. The thing that is eternal for us, heaven, is a place far from fallible. Paul, an apostle in the Bible, writes how the eye hasn’t seen nor has the ear heard nor has the heart truly imagined the things which God has prepared for those who love Him (I Corinthians 2:9). I always think of this statement when I think of heaven – a place greater than my wildest imagination (and trust me my imagination is pretty wild!).

Isaiah said Paul’s statement first. Isaiah, in times of turmoil and trouble, wished that God would just show up. Isaiah wondered how long he would have to wait. He wished for a day all of these bad things would just go away and only God and His glory remain.

I started a habit of when I find myself in moments of bitterness from a bad day, I start thinking about heaven. I think to myself, “Whatever great and awesome thing my mind can conjure, heaven is much better than that!” I imagine being with my creator. I think of a place where once I’m there everything inside me says, “This is truly where I belong.” I think of a place where I’m accepted. I’m never sick. I’m never heartbroken. A place where love abounds like sunlight itself.

Whenever I think about heaven and the eternity I’ll have there, the bad days and the disappointments tend to fade. The let downs appear miniscule. The tears – temporary. I can’t help but crack a little smile. I find myself excited about that world without an end.

Wherever you find yourself, may I encourage you to think about the promise of a glorious place that makes the reality of this world lacking. May we endure the bad days in hope of an eternity that will simply be…heaven.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Still Alive!

Dear Journal,

It’s me again. It’s been a long time. New Years Eve was really fun. I learned a great many things:
1. Never give Beth a lighter.
2. Never give Beth bottle rockets.
3. A bottle rocket shot into full box of artillery shells results in your life flashing before your eyes.

Well, that’s all for now. I’ll be back later with the New Years Eve quote page. ;)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Confession Of The Moment

I have CRAVED for justice these past few weeks more than I ever have in my life.

Until this point I didn't even know one could crave for such a thing. Justice is an amazing word. Up until recently, I never thought much about it. It is usually used when referring to something political or a war on terror or a concept discussed in a philosophy class. I'm starting to realize it's much more than that.

To me, justice means correction...righting what is wrong...a balancing of the scales. I see how this world is. I see how people's lives are. I see how my own life is. In seeing all these things I come to the same conclusion - there is something wrong. Something needs correcting. Something needs to be righted. Something needs to be balanced out. In short, this entire plane of existence DEMANDS justice.

I believe this world is so messed up because of sin. Sin threw this place all out of whack. It unbalanced the scales.

Maybe sin and justice are bitter enemies, but they are not equal. One cannot have sin and justice existing in the same place at the same time; however, the presence of justice destroys what is sinful. As a result, I believe the true presence of justice can only be manifested in someone who is sin-less. The very idea of justice demands if we were wired to know someone or something is greater than us.

There really is something wrong with this world. There is something wrong with us. There is something wrong with me too. I find myself wanting to see the day where the One who is greater than all sin erases all the wrongs and brings things back to the righteous balance - an existence of justice we have yet to experience. Until that day, all I can do is wait.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

After Watching The Highlights of Rockets/Mavs...

I have just have a few very important questions.
Which Maverick led the team with 31 points to win the game?

WHAT'S HIS NAME?!?!?!?!?!!??


SAY IT!!!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Odd Statments

I need some female opinions, but feedback from the dudes will also be appreciated. I'm going to give you two statements. Tell me what you think about the statements at face value. Tell me what you would think of a person who would say them.

"I want a commitment from you, but I never want to marry you."

"I'm not a gold-digger, but I want you to buy me jewelry."

Let me have it!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Why Trigun?

Two years ago a seminary buddy named Jason Weaver started referring to me on his online quote page as the alias Trigun. When people learn of the name, it is usually met with confusion or intrigue. Trigun is my favorite Japanese anime. Though owning a small statuette of the show's title character, Vash the Stampede, was part of the inspiration for the nickname, I've been told I mirror Vash's personality. The following comes from wikipedia:

"Vash displays two different personalities. Vash usually exaggerates foolish characteristics to make people feel unthreatened and to hide his identity; for instance, exhibiting an almost obsessive love of doughnuts and at one point introduced himself as "Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovich Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III". Vash's reputation as "The Humanoid Typhoon" is legendary, as is the damage and destruction associated with his presence. He is the first person to be declared "an act of God" or "a human disaster." However, when those around him are threatened, Vash shows complete focus and control."

There you have it.