Thursday, May 12, 2005

God Wills It!

Life has been both fun and disappointing since returning here to good ole' Florida. Today my mom switched into her overkill-dramatic mode and is now not talking to me. The whole situation is so petty it's really not even worth writing I won't.

If you're brave enough to ever walk into Hot Topic (a personal favorite store of mine) you'll notice they've been selling t-shirts with states on them with individual funny little slogans. Well, they've finally made one for Florida. It says, "Florida - It's like hell. Only hotter." It made me laugh. I saw Kingdom of Heaven this past weekend. Great movie. Any movie with a Lord of the Rings elf (Orlando Bloom) and a Star Wars jedi (Liam Neeson) is guaranteed to be awesome! The movie is about the Crusades - wars with Christians against Muslims over control of Jerusalem. The key phrase of the movie is the title of today's post.

Whenever an army wanted to do something, someone would simply chant, "God wills it!" In turn, the rest of the people would chant with the individual, and, as a result, justify anything they were going out to do. It was comical and sad all at the same time. Near the end Orlando Bloom is faced with a situation to which he declares, "God can do whatever He wills." It's truly a lesson learned.

With talking with teens and adults alike, I find that some truly want to do God's will but simply don't know exactly what that is for their life. Some people believe that God's will is like a combination lock safe connected to a lightning bolt - we must discover the secret combination just right, and, if we don't, we're jolted into ash. If you or someone you love finds themself in this situation remember this advice: "Do you want to know the will of God for your life? If so, I have the answer. To know God's will for your life live in God's will." Not exactly what some people would expect for an answer huh? Let me explain.

Throughout all of our life God has been watching us, protecting us, and even preparing us. Most would agree He's done a good job so far. Never once did God ever require us to have ALL the answers. In other words, live in God's will. Do what you know is right and have the faith that God will take care of the rest. We don't have to know everything. If we did, then we'd be God. =P

If you're faced with a decision be in prayer about it. Seek wise counsel. Measure up the choices with God's Word. These are things we as believers know full and well.

Let's just assume an indivdual truly sought God's will and totally missed the mark. They got all the signs wrong and this person really just blew it. Rest assured there is not a lightning bolt at the end of the tunnel. God is in the redeeming business. That individual wouldn't be the first, or last, to receive redemption and, if neccessary, forgiveness.

I'm sure this little rant/mini-sermon is going to raise eyebrows to anyone who reads it. Hopefully it encouraged some. Perhaps it made some think. And, most likely, it will be read by some seminary student and/or "Super-all knowing theologian" that will be more than happy to point out something I left out or did wrong. I go to Southwestern - I'm used to it =P
Either way, remember God's in control. Do what you know to be correct and leave the rest to Him. He's done a good job so far. Does anyone think He'll leave us out in the cold now?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

amen brother. screw all those other seminary know it alls. preach that truth and maybe then people will begin to step up and stop sitting around thinking someone else will do it. miss you a lot man. you need to hurry up and get back here. jason

12:04 AM  

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