Thursday, May 19, 2005

Revenge of the Waffle House

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past six years, you are fully aware George Lucas (aka "The Genious") has directed and released the first three chapters of the Star Wars saga (aka "The Most Awesomest Movie Saga Ever Created In Our Time").

Episode 3, titled Revenge of the Sith, came out last nite. The movie chronicles the last days of a good jedi named Anakin Skywalker and his slow decent into evil. Anakin is the Greek tragic hero through and through. He's like Oedipus - only he doesn't marry his mother.

Being the geek I am, I did in fact attend the midnight showing and I must say it was awesome. What was even more fun was what happened afterward. JO was hungy and not tired, so me and him hit up Waffle House. The rest of the crew ended up joining us.

Now you must understand, in Jacksonville at about 3am one's eating choices are limited to IHOP or Waffle House. IHOP has good food, but Waffle House always promises an adventure. Needless to say our night at Waffle House didn't disappoint. The events that took place there will only be known by the people who experienced them. As they say, "What happens at Waffle House stays at Waffle House." ;)

Friends are an important thing. I'm sure the previous statement isn't an awe-inspiring, eye-opening revelation, but it's true nonetheless. Value your friends. Spend time with them when you can. As morbid as the following may sound, the last time we see them could indeed be the last time we ever see them.

Anakin chased after power and more power. His priorities got confused and in the end (non-spoiler...don't worry keep reading!) it cost him his friends and the people who truly loved him - the greatest tragedy of them all.

The movie was great. A lesson was learned. Waffle House leaves me with another memory I couldn't get out of my mind even if I wanted to. Make the ones you love a priority and may the Force be with you. =)


Blogger erikascrimp said...

The force is strong with you, my friend!

9:58 PM  
Blogger Trigun said...

Who said I was going to be a Jedi?! ;)

3:49 PM  

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