Tuesday, February 28, 2006

100 Things You Might Not Know About Me

1. I’m an only child
2. I was in the Class of 2000
3. I own four hats, each representing a team in the major sports - NFL, NHL, MLB, and NBA.
4. Before ministry I was going to become a DJ for a rock station.
5. Of all the Star Wars movies, Episodes III and VI are my favorites.
6. The P.C. I now own was constructed by myself and a few friends for the sole purpose of playing the video game City of Heroes.
7. When I was younger I played in video game tournaments, and I was pretty darn good.
8. I love roller coasters.
9. I have been known to have mild cases of motion sickness.
10. When I was younger, I trained to overcome sleep depravity – thus my ability to pull multiple all-nighters and function on little sleep.
11. Trigun is my favorite Japanese anime.
12. Jason Weaver gave me the online alias “Trigun” because of a Vash the Stampede action figure that sets in my room.
13. In high school I graduated 4th in my class.
14. I have loved pro-wrestling since I was six years old.
15. My favorite pro-wrestlers are (in no particular order) Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, the Undertaker, and Mick Foley.
16. I’m a human jukebox – I remember lyrics to most of the songs I hear.
17. Courtesy of what I believe to be my Florida heritage, my favorite fruits are citrus fruits – particularly oranges and tangerines.
18. I have yet to leave the country.
19. I took a picture of the World Trade Center shadowed in fog in May 2000.
20. I have been to New York City twice, and will most likely go there a third time this August.
21. I hate raw onions.
22. I hate coleslaw.
23. I’m picky about salads.
24. I sucked a friend’s toe for free pizza once.
25. My love for Spider-man returned with the birth of the Ultimate Spider-man comic series.
26. I own every issue of Ultimate Spider-man.
27. I like earth tones.
28. Black is my favorite color. Always has been.
29. My favorite Lord of the Rings book is The Two Towers.
30. My favorite Lord of the Rings movie is Return of the King.
31. A boy from the middle school youth ministry I served in got me into Yu-Gi-Oh a few years back. To this day, a good friend and I still play the card game to kill time and catch up with each other.
32. I believe it is the little things that mean so much to so many – whether for good or evil.
33. My favorite Bible verse is I John 4:8.
34. When reading Paul’s letters, I find it ironic that not much has changed from the churches now and the churches back then.
35. Laughter, sarcasm, and humor are three of my defense mechanisms.
36. My four goals when I moved to Ft. Worth: get a season pass to Six Flags, see a Dallas Stars’ game, see a Dallas Maverick’s game, learn more about God and theology. It was in that order too.
37. Brian Powell, a friend from high school, coined the name “Big J” in reference to me. When I was in Track and Field and lost weight, he called me just “J”.
38. “J” is the only form of a nickname that has stuck for more than a year. It has gone 7 years and still running.
39. I was at a P.O.D. concert in Orlando on Saturday, September 8, 2001 – the weekend before 9/11. I still own the bracelet from the show.
40. Though I love rock, I was raised on country and Southern Gospel.
41. Country artists I enjoy – Garth Brooks, Alabama, George Straight, Johnny Cash.
42. My parents are like the television show Green Acres come to life. My father is a laid-back country boy. My mother is ritzy and high-class.
43. My family members say I look like my mother.
44. My friends say I look like my father.
45. On my wall near my computer screen are photos of my friends from past and present. I call it my “Wall of Fame.”
46. I almost died while being born. The umbilical cord was wrapped around my throat three times and strangling me. Dad said my heart rate got as low as 6 beats per minute.
47. I tend to beat myself up over the sins of omission (the good things we don’t do) more than the sins of commission (the bad things we do).
48. I entered my home church’s Talent Night once. I sang Audio Adrenaline’s “The Houseplant Song.” Taylor played guitar for me.
49. Five Iron Frenzy is a band that always puts a smile to my face regardless of whatever mood I may be currently in.
50. I took off work so I could see Spider-man the movie on opening day.
51. I saw Spider-man the movie three times on opening day.
52. I saw Star Wars Episode III a total of seven times in theaters. I’ve never seen a movie in the theater more times than that.
53. Greg Olipendo, Bill Kisner, Brian Hebner, and myself are the creators of “Inferno Soccer.”
54. I have a friend named Nimo. I just think that’s so unique that it’s worth mentioning.
55. To date, only three people have ever truly gotten away with saying to me, “You’re just like your mother.”
56. In college I took a mandatory Appreciation of Music class. I read Sci-Fi novels whenever I was in there during lecture.
57. I disliked English in high school. I now have a college degree in it.
58. Ray Boltz’s music is a guilty pleasure of mine.
59. I consider Ryan Simmons the closest I have ever had to a sibling.
60. Loyalty and honesty are two traits I hold in very high regards.
61. I am neither Republican nor Democrat. I’m Independent.
62. My favorite college professor – Father Neil Gray. He was loving, understanding, honest, knowledgeable, sincere, and real.
63. My favorite seminary professor – Dr. Roy Fish. He was loving, understanding, honest, knowledgeable, sincere, and real.
64. In my college years, philosophy professors loved me because of my “keen mind, sharp wit, and happy-go-lucky personality.” (Yeah I really am quoting too)
65. I felt led to share the Gospel with a co-worker once. I ignored that feeling and decided I would wait until tomorrow. He passed away that night.
66. My favorite praise song is “Shout to the Lord.”
67. My favorite hymn is “Victory in Jesus.”
68. Fighting games are my favorite video game genre.
69. Whenever I play Mortal Kombat, my first choice is always Sub Zero.
70. I met a real-life vampire. No, she didn’t drink my blood.
71. I love heights.
72. For many reasons, I feel I have much in common with my biblical namesake.
73. The Lion King and Lilo & Stitch are my two favorite Disney movies.
74. My least favorite NFL team – the New England Patriots
75. I believe the NFL’s “Tuck Rule” was a conspiracy created to help the New England Patriots obtain to their first Super Bowl. I don’t care what those refs want to fabricate! That was a sack and fumble! The Oakland Raider fans and John Gruden are behind me on this one!
76. I can never sit still.
77. I have a friend that really talks and acts like Crush the Sea Turtle from the movie Finding Nemo.
78. Growing up, I loved the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. My favorite turtle was Donatello.
79. A goal in my life is to visit, and perhaps even live in, Japan.
80. I like firearms and target practice. It makes for a relaxing hobby.
81. I have worn actual shoes more in the past year than I have in the previous four years.
82. In college I usually wore board shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals regardless of climate or season. It should also be noted that the beach was about a 10 to 15 minute drive away.
83. In a family full of Florida Gators, I became the lone Florida State Seminole.
84. My middle name was almost Clyde. My father wanted me named after his father (my grandfather). My mother refused for her son to be named “Clyde.” As a result, they settled on my grandfather’s middle name.
85. A girl taught me the dance routine from the N-Sync video “Bye, Bye, Bye” Yes, I still remember it. No, I will not do it for you. =P
86. Pepperoni, sausage, and black olives are my ideal pizza toppings.
87. I love giving and receiving hugs.
88. I want to visit all the major historical baseball parks. So far I've been to Yankee Stadium and that's been it. I want to go to Fenway Park, Camden Yards, and Wrigley Field.
89. There is a restaurant in California that shares my name. It is owned by Dennis Rodman.
90. Doug Compton has made me laugh harder than anyone else in recent memory.
91. I love the comedic styling of Lewis Black.
92. I have a ton of respect for Warrick Dunn.
93. I love the writings of Edgar Allan Poe. I own all of his works.
94. I have shot the Smith and Wesson .500 magnum. According to J.O., after firing it I looked like “a kid in a candy store.”
95. I have been accused of having a "slight man-crush" on Dallas Mavericks' point guard Jason Terry
96. Christian author Max Lucado has shown me some interesting insights in the Bible.
97. I love The Replacements. It has many comical and spiritual lessons if one pays close attention.
98. Though my life has been in both Florida and Texas, I love the cold.
99. My first job was at a video arcade.
100. I like reading The Message Remix for my personal Bible reading.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love this post! tell me, how many were in your graduating class? My husband graduated in the top seven of his high school class of 1961. And the senior class was made up of 7 students. LOL. He's forever touting that little joke when he preaches. I'm sure your class was much bigger than his. selahV

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you post your picture of the World Trade Center in fog? SelahV

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black is my favorite color to wear, but copper and teal are my favorite colors to decorate with. I'm told black is symbolic of people who are in need. What do you think? selahV

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your favorite verse: Do you think some folks could love but not love God? selahV

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey J:
You said "I tend to beat myself up over the sins of omission (the good things we don’t do) more than the sins of commission (the bad things we do)."
I think we all do. But doncha think that is one of the tools of the devil to oppress us? I find the minute I wallow in that feeling, and then do some of the good things to compensate, then I hear this little voice whisper, "you didn't really do that for the right reasons. you are so full of yourself." How about you? selahV

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J, so who were your rooting for between the Gators and Ohio this week? selahV

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J: one of the most revealing and refreshing posts I've ever read for a blogger. If all of us would post one like this, I think much miscommunication could be avoided. To know where a person is coming from and his/her mindset, likes, dislikes and allegiances, I think we'd be better able to read between the spaces and flat lines of words, sentences and paragraphs. Thanks for the lift! It's been fun! selahV P.S. I agree with your professors. You will go far in ministry as long as you keep that first favorite book of yours your favorite and "I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb" as a theme song! That's one of my favorites of Ray Boltz, as well as Thank You.

9:57 AM  

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