Monday, September 19, 2005

It's OK, I'm With The Band

Well, my faithful readers, as promised I have returned and have much to share about now. Having just completed my first ever Disciple Now (that's D-Now to all the hip and happening youth ministers) I must say that it was total blast. Not only was this my first D-Now, but it was also the first time in two years I have taken part in something youth department related (I led the middle school boys' Bible studies this weekend). Lord have mercy time flies!

For those that are unaware of what Disciple Now is, Disciple Now works like a mini-youth camp lasting one solid weekend. Like most youth camps it encompasses all the essentials - worship time, Bible studies, preaching, fellowship, friendship, food, and fun. This D-Now was no exception. There is definitely much to share about. I got to meet some awesome teens and left with some great experiences. Some of those experiences were not new experiences but rather reminders of happier times. I figured I'd share at least one of those nostalgic experiences with you.

We had an awesome band that led our praise and worship. The band, called Iconoclasts, has both musical talent and stage presence - a very rare combination found in music today. They were so good in fact that if they aren't signed by a major Christian label by this time next year I'll be shocked (Remember, I know music and dabbled in radio so I don't say that often). Though very talented, the band members were very down-to-earth. I write all of this for two reasons: First, to give you some background to this story, and secondly, to shamelessly plug for an up and coming band that I actually liked. =P

As we came to the close of our D-Now, Jake, our speaker for Saturday night, gave an invitation to anyone who needed time to make things right with God. The band members came up and played a few songs, but as time progressed, the Spirit just kept moving. Being sensitive to the situation, the band members, all but the lead guitar player, quietly put their instruments down and moved off-stage. The remaining guitar player silently strummed his guitar and just improv'd doing an awesome job and just setting a peaceful mood.

When I was teen, life was chaotic for many reasons. Some of my happiest moments of my teenage years were centered around my youth department and the people I hung with there. Because I never sleep (check the time of this post and you'll believe me), most youth trips would have me and my youth pastor staying up into the wee hours of the night. My youth pastor, always having his guitar on hand, would just randomly strum along and improv away as we talked about life and God - sometimes just sitting there and saying nothing at all.

Saturday night took me back to one of those happier moments. For an instant I felt like I was back on the shores of Clearwater Beach, Florida late at night watching the waves and listening to the light sounds of a guitar. Just sitting in the church pew and hearing that melody put a smile to my face.

It's amazing how powerful music can be to a person. It can pump you up. It can put you at peace. It can make you laugh, and it can make you sad. For most people, there are those special songs that take us back. For me, just about every song I hear I have a story for. =P

While reminiscing, I started pondering the idea of being at peace. Psalm 46 has been a passage that's been on my mind for sometime now. If you have a free three minutes go ahead and read it today. Sometimes the best thing we can do is be silent and know that God is in control, and that, my friends, is the lesson of the moment.

I must say that I'm surprised I wrote this much. With D-Now behind me but not forgotten the next task at hand is the return to Jacksonville. I'm excited about home cooking, friends, ocean, and sushi. May I encourage you to listen to that song that takes you back. As for me, I'm out. =)


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