Thursday, September 08, 2005

Everything And Nothing To Report

Well, that pretty much sums it up then doesn't it? Usually what I try to do on my little piece of internet real estate is share with you cool happenings, events, and lessons that have happened during my tenure of life; however, in the past few weeks, nothing has really stood out in my mind that is worth reporting. Instead, there are just some small events that I figured I'd share with you. It's better than nothing right?

Seminary students, particularly single, desperate guys, are REALLY getting on my nerves - more than usual actually. There really aren't many things in this world that make my blood boil, but harassing a girl in my presence will get me furious fast.
To any and all single male seminary students (that this applies know who you are): Yes, it's perfectly ok to like girls. It is also ok to have the desire for marriage; however, it is not ok to stalk girls, hunt them down through internet tracking, and interpret common courtesy as a sign of "she wants to be my wife!" Try to lay off the deep theology. You go to seminary. If you didn't know theology at this point in the game you wouldn't be going far here; therefore, you do not need to show off to a girl your "all encompassing knowledge" - be honest with yourself, you're showing off! Most important of all, respect the girls! I don't know where you came from or who raised you, but, from where I came from, my father would half kill me at age 23 if I did half the stuff I've seen other guys do towards girls.

I'm overlapping two Biblical languages this semester. If you've ever read any of my previous posts you're fully aware how much Hebrew is by far the academic death of me. Now, I have not only my last semester of Hebrew to contend with but my first semester of Greek. I know what you're thinking. You're saying to yourself, "What was he thinking?!" The best answer I can come up with is that I probably wasn't thinking at all. It looked good on paper (key phrase: on paper) so I went with it. As a result, this semester will probably be the most miserable =(

In happier news, I have made some new friendships and strengthened old friendships along the way. I have met some awesome girls and some quality guys who I am very honored to call "friend." Sometimes misunderstandings happen. Sometimes schedules and distance seperate us from the people we care about the most, but never forsake a friendship that's worth not forsaking. I guess you can say that has been my lesson of the past week (yeah, you know who you are too).

Many things are indeed happening here. I guess in the hindsight of this post I could share about the totally awesome chapel I attended (voluntarily) on Tuesday, the D-Now group I'll be leading in a week, or my upcoming return to Jacksonville. Perhaps I've already written too much. Rest assured to all my readers that there will be many blog updates more often in the weeks to come (yeah, you know who you are too). Well, that's my randomness for the moment. Hope you enjoyed it. I'm off to play some ultimate frisbee. =P


Blogger Unknown said...

I appreciate your honesty, and I couldn't agree with you more. Hang in there with the languages.

3:24 PM  

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