Friday, July 08, 2005

Simply Fantastic!

The title is an oxymoron in and of itself, huh? O well. With the Southwestern summer term over and Fall class not starting until mid-August I have nothing to do but some of my favorite F's (get your mind out of the gutter!):
Fantastic Four

As you can see from the date of this post, the 4th of July has already passed us. So you know what that means - explosives at discount prices! If you ever shoot off fireworks ever again, may I suggest a location? It's a little place south of Ft. Worth called Crowley, TX. It's a tiny town with a fun-filled firework factoid. They have NO firework laws!!!!!!! =)
I was a kid in a candy store! Never in my life have I seen so many residential people shoot off fireworks in such a concentrated area. Furthermore, people would cross the county line and park off the side of the road JUST to shoot off some top-notch explosives. Needless to say it was an Independence Day to remember, which included my renditions of Star Spangled Banner, My Country 'Tis of Thee, and God Bless America. =)

Fantastic Four opens today. As I am typing this I'm wearing my Human Torch shirt with anticipation for later tonight. Are you suprised though? By this point I believe we have more than established the fact that I'm a huge comic book geek. I always found the Fantastic Four interesting because they mirrored real humanity.

Each of their powers symbolizes people's attitudes. Sometimes we're passionate like a fire (Torch), gruff and cold like granite (Thing), shy and introverted like we've disappeared (Invisible Woman), or stretching ourselves in as many directions and as far as possible (Mr. Fantastic). Only when all four come together is a balance maintained and they become an unstoppable force. Leave it to a comic book geek with an English degree to see relevant symbolism in the Fantastic Four =P

The Fantastic Four are known as "the first family of Marvel Comics"; however, only two of the members have blood relationship. Sometimes friends make the best family of all. I mentioned the importance of friendship a few posts earlier (see "Revenge of the Waffle House"), but I believe it's worth mentioning again. Regardless of what seperates you, whether it be distance or otherwise, do your best to maintain friendships. As Jesus once said, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)

Well I'm off to a cookout. It's clobberin' time for me and some hamburgers. I hope you enjoyed reading my rant. Take care, have fun, and shoot off a bottle rocket for me!


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